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To whoever reads this. You are so valued. No one can replace you. I’m thankful you were born. I love you so much. ❤️
#stranger #streetphotography #fyp #beingkind #happiness #whatmakesyouhappy #photoshoot #sonya7iii #glazz_images #thankful
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2024-04-28 23:56:38

excuse me i had a question it's all photographer i do street photography i take pictures of people i meet i love your style i was wanting to take a few pictures
guy was in a sale on patrick and i see me doing nicely absolutely love i'll bet
maybe i'll face you towards me this way okay
and then just
think i got
your boobs
you can't really speak of tricks alright we're good we're good so the co covers it
let's get you like in the middle of the sidewalk
perfect and then just look at me here
you're still showing the pictures
there we go
no more questions yeah what makes you happy
makes me happy like
oh my god
i've been
my family i love my dog