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#standupcomedy #laughs #climatechange #ukcomedy #earth #uk #simonbrodkin
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2024-04-28 11:16:22

whole years it's twenty two eighty four
oh my gosh
who's brexit a success
to relate to tell
about eight chess to
almost finished
up can i get a drink of water please the last drop was drunk in the year twenty forty
what was boring like
we had enough of it
probably didn't look after as well as we could have
we used to have more fights we just chuck it all over each other
and we'd drink it all the time we turn the tap on
and which is wait for it to be the perfect temperature
and then take a clean glass
and for some reason would
shit again
but she had no idea you were destroying the planet
we knew
that monitor leaders do to stop earth from dying
they put a ten p charge on plastic bags
ah boy do you do travel in airplanes when you knew the pollution was heating up the planet
this is gonna sound bad
to go somewhere hotter