you like me to release a cheat code right now yeah absolutely not about a cheat code for wealth guys want one
obviously we know vladimir putin is way richer than
elon muskrat yes we agree with this absolutely so we talked about in a very beginning at twenty eight is the number well you want musk is born on the twenty eighth you know bill gates born on twenty foot from our food stop born on twenty eight so where he got all his money from
vladimir putin just born october seventh s we talked about before which happens to be the two hundredth eighty day of the year now vladimir putin also got married on the twenty eight and his first daughter was born on the twenty eight
here's a hack for you guys you want to get richer have a kid born on the twenty eighth my kid birthday was yesterday
december twenty eighth who was born a few years ago since he's been born up and making millions upon millions so again this works i did it myself and if you guys think this is a coincidence that's all good we could talk about apple being founded a three one nineteen seventy seven one three one nine seven seven twenty eight you guys wanna keep thickness in codes is go ahead mean the wheat will keep baking butter