🥬 Food That’s Better Cooked

👉 This doesn’t mean you CAN’T eat these foods raw, because I still do as well, but they generally come with more benefits when eaten cooked.

🥬 Oxalates are naturally present in spinach and this can block iron absorption, so when you cook spinach, especially submerged in water, you reduce the oxalates and you are able to absorb more of the non-heme iron.

🥕 When you cook carrots vs eating them raw your body is able to absorb more of the antioxidants (caretenoids) in the carrots that give them their orange color.

🍅 When tomatoes are exposed to heat it breaks down the cell wall and releases more lycopene for you to absorb which is the main antioxidant in tomatoes that gives them their red color.

🫛 One of the best compounds in asparagus is Ferulic Acid, which is know for its potential cancer fighting abilites and you will absorb more of this when the cell walls of the asparagus are heated. And yes people do eat raw asparagus lol

#health #nutrition #vitamins
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2024-04-29 04:49:45

if you eat cooked spinach as opposed to raw spins you get more iron and you lower the oxalate content as well if you eat cooked carrots vs raw carrots then you absorb more of the heart-healthy quran nodes if you eat cooked tomatoes vs raw tomatoes then you absorb more of the heart-healthy compound lycopene if you eat cooked asparagus vs raw asparagus and you can absorb more of the cancer-fighting compound fruit like acid