I was able to change my entire life with one sinole phrase. It ultimately comes down to personal responsibility.

Trauma? So what?
ADD? So what?
C-PTSD? So what?

So what am I going to do now?

#boundaries #ptsd #trauma #traumaresponse #healing #peoplepleaser
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2024-04-27 18:53:44

i was able to change my entire life with one simple phrase and it's triggering shit and you're probably not gonna like it if you're new here i'm a former people please earn recovered alcoholic and help people overcome both first i had to understand that every single thing that's ever happened to me and will ever happen to me is my responsibility
so what
i have massive amounts of childhood trauma
so what
high of eighty d
so what
i have complex p t s d
so what but more important than so what it becomes so what now
am i going to choose to heal myself of these things i'm going to choose to work with my circumstances or am i going to choose to blame other people
do i choose to be a victim or do i choose to thrive
that question made me realize that almost every circumstance in my life has an element of choice whether it's good or bad how i choose to leverage it is entirely up to me to now i choose to remember that no matter how good it gets or how bad it gets i ask myself one question
so what
hope the helps