What’s on your 2024 agenda~familiar hell or unfamiliar heaven? 😇🔥Taking the step into the unfamiliar can be daunting but well worth it. The time to take the step is now :) #selflove #boundaries #healing #animation #mentalhealth
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2024-04-28 06:53:24

your nervous system
will always choose a familiar hell
rather than an unfamiliar heaven
your nervous system is connected to the trauma that you'd been through and it stores that trauma and it's number one job is to protect you and keep you safe here's the thing
is that your nervous system will protect you
by keeping you comfortable
comfort is the familiar hell
on comfort
and pressing through the unknown even though it's very scary
is the unfamiliar heaven
so get uncomfortable do the thing that
is scaring you
take the step jump whatever that might be because what's gonna happen is you're gonna end up
in a way better place