Q: How can leaders create environments where employees feel heard?

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2024-04-28 03:15:04

your advice to the entrepreneurs here one key thing you're living in a time where millennials are more empowered than ever these technologies that we have in our lives has given us a voice have allowed us to
travel access information and really be whoever we want so as you think about building companies you have to remember your employees and millennials in particular are sort of feel empowered to be whoever they want in the real world
it shouldn't be different in the company
you need to create an environment where people feel heard where they feel a sense of purpose in what they're doing
so spending more time on the why why are we here why is what you're doing important and not just
what we're doing and how we're doing it
i think is critical and if you don't do a good job of that you're not going to motivate you're not going to retain talent and at the end of the day building a great company comes down to team
i mean it's a bunch of people coming together around a singular goal and you can't do it alone