yeah because i wanted to take the time to reach out to guys and talk to you a little bit more about the cargo van class i've been promoting
so in the cargo van class the webinar which you could watch at the comfort of your home is going to be three hours long
it's going to contain a resource list full of medical courtiers and expediting carriers as well
also all my past students that came to my last webinar i'm working on a brokerage list so i'll be able to get that out to you guys as well everyone was in the past classes
in the future classes going to get that broker list when it's finally fully developed okay this class could be three hours long
probably four hours on cause we always end up spending a lot of time answering questions at the end
of we're gonna teach you guys how to enter this industry the correct way
i'm tired of seeing people saying i just got a van how do i find work that's the complete opposite way to do this
first step is education i get it guys education is very boring but it will save you a lot of money in the long run
another thing is you can't be selective in this industry if you want to be selective you've got to hustle even harder
so remember that
so make sure you guys you want to get your tickets to that webinar event all you gotta do is go to my link tree or comet cargo van class on this video
i'm seeing too many people buy the wrong equipment
get the wrong style vance
try to do expediting local and that areas
of this there's so much there's so much wrong something i'm seeing and i did it there's a lot of information out there guys there's a lot of misread information
you guys need to make a decision alright either is gonna help you or