Let them go
Via: @girlsgonebible
Avatar of elite.mindsets


2024-04-27 23:52:01

if someone wants to walk away from you
as hard as it is don't let the door hit you on the way out absolutely and unless they come back and they are so sincere and you see it in their eyes and they're just like
i made the biggest mistake of my life and they show you not with their words but with their actions that they are going to change for the better for you i just really have so much encouragement for anyone who's in a situation where there was somebody who is like one foot in one foot out or
they're in a situation where they don't feel the person who's being completely for them and about them like you don't ever even give somebody a chance who's not completely about you it's got to be obvious and you've got to feel it and you never stay in a situation that somebody is making you constantly doubt and question whether they want to be with you