five signs to spot the hater or jealous person number one they will disappear completely whenever you make an achievement they would never compliment you it's very difficult for them to play something good the job done number two they will laugh so hard when somebody makes a funny joke about you because there's a psychological component inside each drug that targets the belief system
when a joke is aligned with someone's beliefs makes the person law
number three when you make an achievement and they notice it they will always make it seem like it's a big deal
like april everybody can do that i mean i didn't do something special number four he will try to give you an advice in a twisted way like put you down in the form of giving advice
because they really need to put you down in order to feel good about themselves
number five they will suddenly unfollow you on fondue for no reason even though you have done nothing to them and i'm talking about friends not people don't know you and if you want to understand everything about human psychology just focus