This is one reason why your words are so powerful, and the way you think about what you think is incredibly powerful and creative. We create our lives with our thoughts. #’tHurt #ThoughtsHavePower #Love #Believe #OpenYourMind #TryNewThings #ItWon #MindsetMentor
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2024-04-27 20:28:57

brain is always looking for evidence
to confirm what you have told him
so if the story in your mind is things are always shit and never working out for me
your brain is going to cherry pick
everything in your life that reinforces that
this is why when people start to say things like show me how it gets better
i know it can get better than this
it starts to his your brain is going to start looking for evidence for that to be true
it's a confirmation bias and it doesn't have to be rooted in negativity your brain will start to cherry pick
the things that are good
and that show that life has the capacity to be better
your mind is just doing it's strong
it's looking for proof to reinforce the reality that you have created for yourself out there so be intentional about the reality you're creating