Why I Don’t Save My Money In A Bank
Avatar of kriskrohn


2024-04-27 20:01:22

you put your money in a bank you know what the bank gives you his gratitude they give you like point zero nothing percent return on your money instead i put my money in a whole life policy
i'm talking about a strange bizarre type of life insurance let me tell you what to call it
it's called high cash value policy
this is money where you put it in
and you can almost immediately take almost all of it right back out just like a bank but guess what happens when i put money in the special savings account
number one i don't earn point on nothing percent i earn four percent but then i also get a one to three percent dividend number three it grows tax free number four i can borrow that money at plus or minus one percent
basically for free and all i'm doing is paying the policy back
and the number five
if i die
any of the assets i bought they get paid off
because i have a death benefit