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2024-04-28 05:43:13

you have advice for me
what you got don't keep cash don't
know actually got the bank right now liquid locked how much
what's a lot i can't yeah i can't say i can't say was whoa where should i wear should i or should it be
ready now
okay so
it's a lot for me
yo you started laughing
like easy
jet yeah
time later last night
let's say it's not that much i guess
well but you are ahead of me but yeah everybody's gotta change you should never have money in the bank so this is not a guarantee but my gold you'd no no no fuck
you only
things that produce cash flow that can't be disrupts like real estate
yeah the real estate buys it like in destructive what about the real estate that you buy makes the industry commercials the the rents are fifteen hundred bucks a month