Who can relate to this one?

Listen — I know how hard it is to give up control in life. But the truth is, life and all the unexpectedness that comes with it will happen no matter what. So it’s up to you to decide how you roll with the punches. How you rise above the adversity and struggle. How you can push forward with strength and hope for a better tomorrow.

Let this year be YOUR year. Walk in faith, strength, and belief that you deserve happiness. ❤️
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2024-04-27 21:24:07

we can try to control the architecture of our life
but the buildings falling down
around us
somebody leaves us
we get laid off
our best laid plans failed
and then what happens is we get all this anxiety and xt
because we think we control everything
now we're mad at ourselves
and we start shaming ourselves and sometimes you can just go
had a good plan had good intentions
put my best self forward
things are falling apart
i need to not bring negative emotional energy to that
because that's not even in my control
it's not even in my control
and if i can surrender the attachment
to how things have to be so perfect in my life
i got a shot
at happiness