every morning what i want you to do is to close your eyes and visualize your day going exactly the way you want it to go
so it was a lovely call intending the day
making then visualize your bigger goals you know the million dollar goal the world peace all the you know ending hunger goals all the goals you have that are longer term than just your you know media day
the third thing i want you to do is to have a better feeling thought that means what does that mean
anytime you notice that you're not feeling well ask yourself what am i thinking usually it's a negative thought
my boyfriend left me
that happens
that thought is not going to take you where you wanna go
we wanna make sure you get gratitude in there and have an attitude of gratitude all day long
take action we talked about obvious and inspired actions every day if you get an inspiration act but if you focus on that it's the law of attraction working our experience has been that it starts to work even more