Q: How did Slack convince companies to use their product?

#reels #founder #CEO #slack #productmarketing
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2024-04-28 03:02:41

so with slack you created a product that not a lot of companies knew they needed how did you convince them otherwise
that was tough the first three or four external teams to use lock it took dozens of tries like
going to their office and showing them and i think we learned a lot there about marketing probably isn't the right term but i think we actually had this problem a little bit with flicker because facebook came out and just stole the social photo-sharing market while flicker was trying to decide whether it wanted to be a social photo-sharing or like a community for people who are interested in in photography
but if you can't explain what you're doing well enough that someone to whom you explain it can go on to explain it to someone else then it's a real problem because otherwise you're gonna have to do all the exciting so we struggled to figure out the way to talk about it like what advantages it had what it was for it was a real slog to get anyone to even try it and the encouraging thing was once people started trying it
they almost invariably stuck with that they blogged in every day it became like it was for us the foundation of how they communicated