He’s behind with ‘monthly payments’ cuz he’s too busy grinding 🤣🤣💀💀🤡🤡 not a satire.
Avatar of ballerbusters


2024-04-27 11:22:26

the the
and if somebody can help us when we get some joeys
on there
which color
i want to live
so let me grab
a few moments later so i'm gonna keep it a book which you
really don't think you need another car
hundred and forty bands just for like a little
again fine on the side looking you've got a fucking maybank
i got eight webs so what's night
a lot on almost hundred fifty thousand
and the whole last property like down payment on a property right there let me tell you exactly why i'm not going to get the car i have eight cars currently all in which are just months and months behind and registrations every single month because i have no time i'm too busy grinding
making businesses cream businesses running businesses that forget to pay all of these ranking registrations and i'm not going to go to the dealership or whatever you call the dsv every single month just to pay these registrations late
it wasn't for that