how would you determine when a trade has failed other than performance entry
that's a really good question because it's for example i'm long of a local company a little
company called arb dynamics it's a minnow
on the london stock market
and it was moving up the page and it was creeping up the page and my stomach told me this doesn't look good and of course
it broke out of that creeping formation yesterday and it flew up the badge we had some rules r one start with a very small position
i don't like to give away any more than half my profit
so if i'm an forex trader was up two hundred points on pulls back for example i was short the point against the dollar
two weeks ago sometimes i've got stopped out of the dough trip and a short time against the dollar from twenty six ten flew down the page about three hundred points
then zoom back up the page again i got out of one fifty because i have the rule of not giving away any more than contract profits i think that's something that's good exits are covered that
will be fucking video shop needs i've had somebody like yourself
voice over