How Ultimate Focus works ft. David Goggins #andrewhuberman #neuroscience
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2024-04-27 18:21:02

so the process of writing things down by hand is important for you do you so you go back and read those notes do you think about that stuff on your runs two are you segmenting your day like when you're done studying
are you heading out for a run
and thinking about other things or are you
still rehearsing the material in your head
or write it down in a way
that i'm memorizing pay sixty nine
and i have to do it over and over again so that page
is stuck in my mind i'm literally flipping through pages
as i'm taking these tests now flip and pays in my head without pace was
and how i do that is just from how i how i write it and how what's on the page
when i run
i can't recall any of it
i cannot
i cannot bring any of that because i'm running
so everything i do
is a total focus on what i'm doing at that at that point
in my life