If your money can be taken away from you then is it really yours?
Avatar of coinsaucenews


2024-04-18 04:04:45

ah went from
being a multi-billionaire
to not be able to use my apple pay
four nights ago i couldn't use my apple pay
somehow adidas was able to legally go in and freeze my money
and when i see this i think well if this could happen to me this could happen to other americans
and for what
you know this can happen to an american
that didn't even steal anything
that didn't need to hurt anyone
this could just happen to you for saying the wrong idea out loud for expressing yourself for expressing frustration how many you guys have been
at a job
and you're frustrated with a manager situation
and you don't want to say anything because you don't want to go back
to your dad you might be taking care of your dad