do you have a minute to pray for your mother
but first enjoy the video and leave your love for her in the comments
than send this video to her
let's pray lord god bless my mother because only she knows the sacrifices she has made
the dreams she has postponed and the challenges she has faced in silence all to see a smile and prosper check she is the strength that renews itself with each dawn
the inexhaustible source of love that never ceases to flow and muff in the nights she has watched over my sleep and the tear she has wiped from my eyes
i recognize the unshakable love she carries
lord wrapper in your grace and protection as a shield against the worries of the day and the uncertainties of the night
lord bless every wrinkle that marks her face
for they are witnesses to her tireless dedication
bless her hands which have always extended help
and her feet
which have followed the path of love and surrender
bless her mind and heart so that they remain full of wisdom and compassion
lord may she know that she has loved valued and honored not only by me
but by all that is divine and sacred
may she find rest in your arms when a weight of the world seems overwhelming
and may her journey be adorned with smiles laughter and moments of serenity now
lord protect my mother today and always
for her love is a precious gift that illuminates my life
lord also blessed the mothers who have passed on their legacy endures in their memories guide us
may they find peace in eternity
into the living mother's grant strength love and prosperity