My favorite networking hack
Avatar of rohan_sheth


2024-04-17 16:13:40

one of my favorite things to do when i walk into a room or an event and i have no idea who any one is networking tip for all of you watching this right now take a step back scan the route watch her was a person that's going around shaking everybody's hand talking to everybody within about ten minutes you'll see the most connected human being in that room introduce yourself tell them who you are and ask them how you can provide them a piece of value from what they're doing they're automatically going to reciprocate the same exact question and ask you how vacant help your next statement out of your mouth outta you know that's inside this room that i should be having a conversation with what they're going to do is walk you up to someone that they know and warm introduce you now guess what you don't have to walk up to someone like a cold dornoch and pitchman but you actually have a warm introduction to someone that could potentially do business with you