someone offends me or someone hurts me or
does some to me
it rolls off my shoulders pretty easy
if somebody comes to me and says hey will you forgive me for what i did to you
i'm a forgive him and say girl come on let's move on we get sri
i'm just
wired that way i'm easy going
but if i find out
i'm saying don't don't get it twisted
if i find out that someone's been scheming
that's a whole different story
because scheming implies
if you've been scamming against me that means you've been watching for a little while
you've been trying to figure out what it is about me that most which most grail
most vulnerable for that you can take advantage of me
you've been studying me to find out what my patterns aren't what the predilection of my flesh is
what my preferences are so that you can figure out the best time to take most full advantage of me and the people that i love
lit up fun time for children scheme against me and the people that i love well if it's a war you
get the war you will have