The 1 True Cure To Depression
Avatar of strikeitbig


2024-04-18 01:29:15

russia is not real i think it's a middle-class problem basically like you don't have depression and communist countries if you take your own life the sadness of feeling is deeply real
but it's not due to like a chemical imbalance and you know we're just born that way and that's it now you just need to take pills because that's what the doctors tell you i remember i lived with a girl at university and shared depression and anxiety and i was trying to tell it to like go over and saw myself out and she was like no it's a chemical imbalance and can't do anything about it as pathetic as victim mentality that's weak mentality and i just don't buy into that you have too much time on your hands you have too much privilege that's why you're depressed if you literally had to fend for your life and survive you wouldn't have any time for depression you'd be focused on when your next meal going to be and it's the same with covert like when we're living in an england it was funny because all the immigrants that came from like ex-soviet countries they weren't afraid of covert it couldn't care less all the british people were terrified don't get too close or the immigrants were happy to open the door people in the uk still rockin mass in the car or right after