@drqilove explains how movement raises your vibration on the @unlimitedpowershow #vibration #frequency #movement
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2024-04-18 00:03:59

how do we raise our vibration or frequency
okay that's a lot easier than you think it is
you ever have a fish tank and with goldfish in it
the goldfish is sick and it's like
and it kind of like falls down to the bottom
and then the fish dies and you get a new wind and the new goals like swimming around
how do you go from death to life
so dancing
spinning spiraling jumping climbing running biking skating skiing
anything that moves pumps the blood
to the heart
that raises your vibration
you can't read a book and raise your vibration
you can have a very
intellectually stimulating conversation but as soon as the conversation is over
you start running and people say wow your vibration is so high what have you been doing i've been running
that's all just running