From Nerd to Confident Communicator: My Journey

Just a reminder that communication skills are not always innate, they can be learned and developed through various experiences.

#nerd #anxious #communicator #survival #forced #development #communicationstyle
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2024-04-17 22:58:43

you said you brought me on here you said you realized i was a good communicator that wasn't always the case so yeah fuckin nerd danny sit inside just like super anxious and talk to anybody like i'd be forced to be a good communicator through means of survival the way i developed my communication style wasn't by choice some people like how do you become a better communicator you fuckin start talking to people not a necessity and all put yourself in an environment where like you need to do that
so like it's the only way it grows it's like you know when you get uncomfortable when you work out you know the only way you actually see tangible growth is when you're uncomfortable you're pushing yourself everything business doesn't matter what it is you know discomfort
discomfort leading to that skill development