Dive deeper into the labyrinth of introspection, unlocking the answers to the intricate ‘whys’ that reside within. 🕵️‍♂️🤔 Each question unravels a layer of self-awareness, propelling you toward a profound understanding of your purpose. Embrace the quest for answers, for in the pursuit of ‘whys,’ you’ll unravel the tapestry of your existence. 🧐🔍

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2024-04-17 10:46:24

on your list of wives
one of the big
thrust for success is to come up with a strong enough why
in leadership training here's what we learned if the y is powerful the how is easy
but if the y isn't strong
if your goals aren't powerful
if the vision isn't clear the old prophet said without a vision we died without a vision we bearish without a dream or nothing
i'm asking you to make a list of what you want you want what kind of help do you want what kind of skills do you want what kind of power would you like to have what kind of influence would you like to have i'm asking you to go home and work on the high