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2024-04-17 21:39:39

you married
why are you asking why no i'm curious why you know it's for now now yeah
for the application ah
and have you have you been married have you been married yourself and now fortunately no i haven't you're young and just a kid yeah i don't know how i feel about the whole marriage thing when your mom and dad were they married yeah
maybe that's why i don't know how
but no no no my my mom my point is that one day people who are ambivalent about this one day bingo everything will seem right and then it will happen really i think
don't you think so
i mean it's hard to believe you go through life on mary don't think
no i don't think so i'm i i'm quite i mean i'm i like those tim robbins susan saran and things you know weird
no that's not weird
i think
look this
look guitar
now do you have a you're like marriage did you like it was it yeah i had a good time
what did you like about it
it was you know it was it was fine it was i was i was married for ten what did you like wearing the ring or what was it what about it did you like
well you know i'll tell you what the the ceremony i eloped while i didn't love we we alone you can go alone
we get when you get vegas or something i went to delaware county just in muncie indiana
they don't have to see no gambling there