Your thoughts and words are both forms of creative energy. Use them wisely!

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Speaker: Neale Donald Walsch

Via @mindsetvibrations

#goodenergy #positivethinking #positiveenergy #manifestation #positivethoughts #thinkpositive #energyhealing #manifestyourdreams #healingenergy #higherconsciousness #consciousness #manifest
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2024-04-17 18:59:07

what you think produces energy in the universe that if you think it often enough and long enough will actually produce a physical result in your life
our second level of creation is
our words as you speak so will it be done
and so your your word
is really a form of energy you're actually producing energy in the room with what you say and that energy is creative
you say something often enough loudly enough and i promise you it will come to pass
if two or more
start saying the same thing i assure you it will come to pass and when a whole group of people start saying the same thing it cannot help but come to pass this is called group consciousness and it's by the way
why the world is the way it is because our collective consciousness has not allowed itself to be raised to the level of the individual consciousnesses of many of us