Just because somebody loves you doesn’t mean they give you good advice…
Avatar of davidmeltzer


2024-04-17 18:22:53

what i wish i knew was about something called ignorant arrogance not only my own ignorant arrogance but i don't know what i don't know and so i pretend like i do but the ignorant arrogance especially with social media of hurt people hurting people so i don't know what i don't know and i project that onto you but i do it by attacking you facility things sometimes but the number one thing that hurt me the most wasn't the ignorant arrogance of myself wasn't the arrogant ignorance of the haters as they call them today but it was the arrogant ignorance of the people that love me the most that loved me so much that they were more freeing for me to fail than i was they were more afraid for me to get hurt than i was so all the people that love me that said oh but you should be a real lawyer oh you should do this because they were protecting me instead they were limiting myself imaging my potential