Who's uncle is this 😭😭😭 - -

@moneybuyshappiness 🎥 - -

#areacode416ix #toronto
Avatar of areacode416ix


2024-04-16 22:05:12

what would you do with a million dollars do you maddie what kind of girl would you want
like you the pretty one
do you think it costs a million dollars to marry me need more money for you
is just a small money you can't buy minimum one condo here in toronto so i need at least five million one million dollars not much money what a million dollars right now change your life not gonna change my life my life is better i know your life is better right now than with a million dollars over what i'm gonna do with a million dollars i'm talking about the atleast five million denis you're right i can hire you as a secretary and all their stuff you don't have do the walk in the streets and all their stuff is your fantasy to have a secretary