Synergy with stocks. ↓

Trading is often seen as a solo pursuit but it can take on a whole new dimension when done with a (trusted!) partner, as it’s an opportunity to combine your resources, unique insights, perspectives, and complementary skills. Two heads are not always better than one, but in trading, it can definitely work for some people πŸ“ˆ

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2024-04-16 21:25:08

you want to become a millionaire through trading stocks and you want to do potentially faster
consider trading with a friend
i've done well for myself but i did it with two other friends and i wanted to say
the word synergy
is one of my favorite words
and the equation basically as one
plus one equals three
so imagine mcdonalds making ten billion a year
and then coca-cola which owns sprite and fancy dr pepper they make
ten billion in a year they come together hundred billion in the year
that synergy
if you do what you love with people that you love
there's a possibility you could see synergistic results