When you change your perspective, things start to change. It's your choice to live in suffering or prosperity, and you will create what you feed.

Speaker: Dr. Wayne Dyer

#lawofattraction #subconsciousmind #manifestation #manifesting #manifest #lawofassumption #mindpower #waynedyer #dailyinspiration #positivethinking #rewire
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2024-04-16 16:08:37

when you change the way you look at things
the things you look at change
the most fundamental and major decision that you have to make in your life
is this
do i live in a friendly
or a hostile universe which isn't
is it a universe that is filled with hostility and anger and people wanting to hate each other and people wanting to kill each other is that what you see because when you see the world that way that's exactly what you will create for yourself in your life