IELTS Speaking Interview - Band 8
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2024-04-16 15:09:04

if people visit your home for dinner what do you normally offer them to drink usually in india we'd like to say what you want to have hot drink or cold drink so hot drink usually means tea and coffee tea or coffee
and cold drinks mean
any kind of soft drink which is coca-cola fanta limca these are the drinks which are normally offered in india
so yes that i'd probably offer that or probably something fancy like eliminate or something like that
now let's talk about maps
do you ever use maps on your phone
oh yes all the time
i think maps have made our lives easier
and to travel from one place to the other i always need my map and in fact even when i'm going on a walk around i always have the map on my hand
so i can just
generally wander around and get lost and not worry about it