these are the signs that you know your man is going to cheat on you or you need to do is to pay attention because men will always show you his intentions the first thing that will change is what he talks about perhaps he starts to talk to you about a new coworker because there's something about her that he finds interesting and perhaps he even starts to compare you to her man sometimes do this in a funny way they make a joke about it
but don't trust him because behind all the jokes he makes about other women lies a certain truth he does that because he wants you to believe that when he talks about women like that you will think he's not interested the second thing that will happen is that he will suddenly be interested in his appearance on social media perhaps he changes his profile picture because he subconsciously wants to impress another woman or he starts posting pictures and stories when normally he doesn't do that the other thing he does he starts to dress differently he may buy an outfit that's not his usual style and the other thing he does he will change his behavior maybe he will sign up at a gym or maybe he will certainly want to go out more because of consciously he's trying to become that man that the woman he is observing
will be interested in