Here are the 3 traits I look for when interviewing for executive roles.
Avatar of leilahormozi


2024-04-16 13:43:48

and look for in the interview process what they speak of from their prior roles and why they want to come here the best people i've seen a pattern which is that typically they are not able to maximize their potential in their current roles so it's not that they hate the job they're out there like this is a great place i agree boss i'm great
i just
i can't fully utilize my skill-set here the second is that they are walking away from money at the end when everything is said and done they're like just like you know i really really am excited for this job i'm so excited i just walked away from like seven figure payday the last piece is what they're excited about and you can sense the excitement it's the people they're gonna be around and the cause that we're going after being so big and i think i've common theme that i realised is that people like i want this to be my career making move my stamp to show like i'm a fucking badass so like none of it is about money and they even sacrifice money to get the role