Their difference of opinion hurts.

And you feel compelled to hurt them back.

So you react with a visceral response, a vengeful comment, an ALL CAPS email.

Do this for long enough and it'll destroy your relationships, your career and peace of mind.

DM me ‘composure’ to learn how to build your self control and stop emotions determining the course of your life.








#behaviourchange #emotionalcontrol #changeyourlife #personaldevelopment #mentalresilience
Avatar of andrewshawbsc


2024-04-16 17:34:27

your poor reactions to other people
because you're taking it
so personally you've attached your opinion to your identity no longer is that person differing with your opinion
they're attacking your identity
which hurts your feelings so you
feel compelled
to hurt them back without realising that you are under the spell
of emotion so you fire off that visceral response vengeful common repeat enough times
have dire consequences on your life change this by noticing
the feeling
where do you feel this
in your body
what thought
is attached to it
what does it want you to do
when you start doing this
no longer
will you emotionally react but intelligently respond