she doesn't want to be pregnant she has all the right to choose because the term body was somewhat about the be my baby have any right to choose his advice if i say if i have a child and i don't want to pay child support do i have the right to say no
okay let me see listen to me listen to logic here i'm a man so i don't have a right to say or have any opinion about what a woman does with my child in her womb so can i apply that can i also apply that to hay when the child is born
i don't i it because it's her child i you know i'm a man i don't want to pay child support let her take care of my child isn't equally okay to do that
i don't have to pay child support it's your body your choice you you decided to have the baby i told you not to have the baby you want to have the baby i'm not going to pay child support because i'm a man