I genuinely believe that even the gurus who are spreading this idea know it’s BS.

But it’s an idea that hurt men WANT to hear.

So it’s a perfect opportunity for the guru to pretend he cares about you and has your back.

By adopting the attitude of “men are not supposed to open up to women” you are setting yourself up to create shallow relationships.

You, at least subconsciously, know that the right woman for you will welcome you opening up.

But you’re afraid to find out if the women you’re with or you’re trying to get with is actually for you.

So you will rather live in ignorance and be with a person that might not be for you, than have the courage to open up.

That’s the state of affairs of an average red pill bro.

And it’s not the way to healthy and meaningful relationships.

Thank you for watching and reading.


#relationships #masculinity #redpill #healthyrelationships #personalgrowth #selfdevelopment
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2024-04-16 19:39:10

and for them to open up to women
if you open up through a woman
she will lose respect for you
and maybe even leave
women don't want men who talk about their emotions this is one of the most popular ideas from the minister or the local community
and it comes for pure weakness and cowardice
and here's why
the only woman who would leave you because you opened up to her regime emotionally immature woman
or the one that didn't even care about you in the first place
usually both so you are not opening up to a woman is not a sign of wisdom
and you knowing what women want it's a sign of fear
because you're not ready to find out if the person you're with is actually for you