Would you take digital real estate or normal real estate?

Avatar of wealthymaverick


2024-04-15 23:52:45

promos is basically when people will pay to get posted on your account
if you were to go to the shade room right now you'll see that fashionable was posted on their account at least three times within the last twenty four hours and from what i know on the shaving charge of sixty five hundred dollars for single-post
sixty five now every time i turn around it's more and more
and i guarantee you i guarantee i'll put any amount of money on it fashioned over probably paid shade over a million dollars for that at least at least
just to get postal or account details but this is why we see fashion over every single day whether we like it or not
is because fashionable understands that these big instagram pages is where the gold is and they're literally painting dishing out one now imagine if that was you knew the person behind one of these pages and you're getting paid from brands like fashionable were just the hopes
and this is why you'll put me up against any real estate mogul on care what it is i'll take digital real estate over railroads to any day of the week