The hurdles a beginner would face trading the forex markets!
Avatar of umarashraftrades


2024-04-15 20:01:15

don't understand why someone as a beginner would want to trade forex
because the hurdles and forex are a lot more difficult it already sounds risky
more risky yeah because you know you're dealing with brokers creating massive slippage where if you're buying something in one price they might celebrate a different price
second the market is not centralized because it's centralized it's more difficult to kind of get or find an edge especially the way i trade the way i trade is i look at the interaction between buyers and sellers
to identify who's in control i look heavily at order flow to understand that
now for me to look at order flow i have to somewhat be able to see who's buying and who's selling and forks
you know to my understanding you can't see that
you don't have a centralized marketplace to see all of the transactions
so it makes it really difficult to have that edge