and terrifying confidence if you possess it you will rule the world
rule number one remember that the people you believe are exceptional are not fundamentally different from you every individual has their own problems and insecurities cease thinking of them as superior to you
too you must take risks i understand that it can be intimidating but taking risks is necessary to achieve high value if your dream seems fraught with risk and fear break it down into smaller more manageable steps this will make it less intimidating to pursue
three allow yourself to make mistakes nothing is flawless at one hundred percent if you avoid making mistakes you won't learn and without learning you won't be able to discover your own greatness this is how humans grow
for put yourself in uncomfortable situations this is the most effective way to overcome shyness these situations will eventually become comfortable and you'll emerge as a highly confident individual in your own right now if you want to delve deeper into the dark psychology and manipulation i highly recommend watching this video