the scan that we saw was somebody was taking all these cards from the store without paying for them
and without loading them up taking them home
and what they do is they heat up these envelopes where they can open them
as carefully as they can
remove the card
and actually cut the top of the card off so i have a handy scissors hear
what they did was
they cut off
the top
that has member again this is the code that gives you access to the money to the person that you give the card to
and they take the bottom half of the card which really means nothing now
put it back into the envelope
re glue it shut
and just like that you have a brand new gift card that you think that you're getting for your person for christmas
so what we're advising to do is when you guys are buying gift cards either feel for the entire card should be the same size as a credit card
or with the permission of the store when you go up to purchase these as you're purchasing them remove them from these folders and actually take the car to make sure that the whole card is there so that way when you give your present to your loved one this christmas they're actually getting that money they can spend it on whatever they want
rather than somebody else spending for you