Wait for it. Incredible and powerful message. Action is a crucial part of manifestation. Your thoughts set the direction, but it’s your actions that bring those thoughts to life. What kind of actions are you considering to align with your manifestations? #action #god #powerofthemind #actionsspeaklouderthanwords #manifestation #affirmations #iam #workhard #moneymindset #moneymaker #wealth #lawofattraction #lawofvibration #vibehigh #motivational #reels #reelsinstagram #thursdaymotivation #godlovesyou #universe #frequency #vibration #moviescenes
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2024-04-13 11:02:22

excuse me can i get a refill please
coming right up
excuse me people are young
it's a long story
like stories
i'm considered a bit of a storyteller myself
my husband
you heard of new york's noah
a guy who's building the ark
for my husband says
god told him to do it
let me ask you something
if someone prays for patience you think god gives them patience
just to give them
the opportunity to be patient
you get paid and courageous got the courage to give them opportunities to be courageous
if someone prayed family
do you think i'm samson with
fuzzy feelings
what does it give them opportunities to love
we got a
lot of people to strip