you can
actually create your own economy
now i learned that many years ago
when a man told me
he said bob if you'll read this book and do exactly what i tell you
you can have anything you want i did not believe that
but after talking to morale i believe he believed
i was happy he was healthy it was wealthy i was unhappy i was sick and i was grown
i had no formal education i had no business experience he said that doesn't matter about what's happened in the past is the past
what happens in the future is based on the decisions you make if you'll do exactly what i tell you your life will change
well you know it did
over the next year i multiplied my income
in fact my life changed so much
i made a decision on one thing
from that point on i would always have a mentor i would have some kind of a coach and i would pick someone that knows how to do what i wanted it
and then i'd do exactly what they told me
and that's what i've done