I always get asked why I live in Pittsburgh & what I like about living here! You obviously knew I was going to say affordability but there’s a few layers to this. Living in a low(er) cost of living city 1) allows me to live without roommates and 2) frees up room in my budget to go on trips to those higher cost of living cities or just travel in general. But second, & I think an often overlooked point, is that Pittsburgh is affordable for ME because I’ve lived here my whole life & I don’t feel the need to go live right in the most popular areas! If I moved to a new city & didn’t know anyone I’d definitely want to live right in the city center or wherever would give me the most opportunities to meet new people & that would make me pay a premium no matter what city I moved to!

#personalfinanceforwomen #moneytipsforwomen #howtobudget
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2024-04-15 16:31:33

i always get asked why i live in pittsburgh and what i like about living here so here's one of my favorite things about living in pittsburgh because i really do love my life here you obviously knew i was going to say this but affordability is one of my favorite parts about pittsburgh but there are a few layers to this verse is just general affordability pittsburgh is incredibly affordable compared to other cities i'm moving into a beautiful two bedroom apartment for less than two thousand dollars at an area that i love and living in a lower cost of living area frees up a lot of room in my budget go on trips to this higher cost of living cities but the second layer of this is just the pittsburgh can be affordable for me because i've lived here sort of my whole life so i don't really feel the need to live right in the city center in the super hip areas if i did move to a new city and didn't know anyone i would probably feel the need to move to the best area and i'd be paying a major premium for that here i know the city so well that i knew exactly what area i wanted to live in that would give me the affordability proximity and social life that i was looking forward my twenties