show me how long it takes you to order at a counter and i will show you your bank account why i was at a counter like one does
a coffee shop or something and there isn't there's always a lady in front of you right and the lady in front of you takes for centuries to order a coffee and a muffin
and what i realised very quickly is you know if you want to get something
done you give it to a busy person is the same that's why they say you should take somebody to dinner before you hire them or take them out to lunch see how they treat the staff but i also think seeing how quickly they make decisions because
people who take forever to order when they stand in line one are really comfortable in convenience in somebody else around them which means they have limited self-awareness maybe borderline narcissism
and then simultaneously they're not very efficient at the things that don't really matter that coffee order does not really matter and so if we know we are here for finite amount of time why spend so much time on that as opposed to
a walk sunset etc eyes you really didn't like this lady