How much do you work? I’d love to here the cultural difference in regards to work time/ benefits

I will never miss working as an employee in the U.S.
my salaried positions in the tourism and restaurant industry I had to work a minimum 10 hour shifts 6 days a week, and was required to go to a weekly, quarterly, and yearly managers meetings even if it was on my day off, so a lot of times that was 7 days a week.

No paid maternity leave, no parental leave, no sick leave. And I had to work at the company six months before I got my 7 days of paid vacation.

Are all jobs like this —no— but many are. Because there are no federally mandated laws prohibiting it…like there are in Germany.

What’s your work life balance where you’re at?

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2024-04-29 15:04:38

illegal to work more than forty hours a week in germany
was in some cases you can work up to sixty hours a week but you have to be compensated with time off within six months i had a salary job in the us where i had to work a minimum of sixty hours a week ten hour shifts six days a week did you at least have vacation time i was new so i hadn't earned enough yet maternity leave unpaid what do you do besides work