Why don’t you want to avoid the pain?

Because whatever you actively avoid, you actually feed energy to.

You are sending a message directly to your higher self that that point of avoidance is more powerful than YOU are.

And the whole point of this journey into creating our best lives is to remember our power 🔥

So what are you avoiding right now? What’s the first thing that pops into your head?

Maybe it’s time to face it ⚡️

Thank me later.

#selfgrowth #healingjourney
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2024-04-29 17:50:11

whatever you avoid you give power to because in avoiding that thing you are actually feeding that thing you are telling yourself that that thing that you are trying to avoid is more powerful than you are so you may think that you're taking the shortcut by putting it off but what you're actually doing is prolonging the pain of the inevitable which is facing it so that you can finally get to the next level so whatever it is that you've been avoiding having that difficult conversation having that tough interaction showing up for yourself how can you start facing it today and stop feeding it power over your life