The Happiness of Pursuit

15 Lessons From 2023 - Jordan Peterson, Alex Hormozi & Elon Musk
Avatar of chriswillx


2024-04-29 17:42:22

what i mean is not about the pursuit of happiness it is about the happiness of pursuit so much of life and enjoyment is about the anticipation of things coming in fact the anticipation is often actually more enjoyable than the experience tim ferriss used to book these vacations years in advance so that he would stretch out that anticipation for so long basically like free holiday before your holidays he was excited and thinking about it it puts a new perspective on it's not the journey it's the destination because there actually is no destination each arrival at a destination simply marks the beginning of another journey toward the next destination i want to be able to take pride and pleasure and gratitude and happiness and peace in the things that i'm doing whilst continuing to try and achieve how do i find this balance one of the solutions i think that you can do is to celebrate micro wins as much as possible it doesn't need to be a big celebration but i really think that that's one good way of chunking up long destinations into shorter journeys